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Delete a document from DocumentDb

I'm trying to delete a specific document from my DocumentDb collection called Employees. When I run the following code, I get "A task was cancelled" error.

What am I doing wrong?

private async static void RemoveEmployeeAsync(string colSelfLink)
            var doc = client.CreateDocumentQuery<Document>(colSelfLink, "SELECT * FROM Employees e WHERE e.EmployeeId = 1").AsEnumerable().FirstOrDefault();

            if(doc != null)
                await client.DeleteDocumentAsync(doc.SelfLink);

It's probably due to your use of async void . Probably whatever is calling this code is disposing some managing resource (ie, client ) before RemoveEmployeeAsync completes.

The best solution is to make RemoveEmployeeAsync return a Task instead of void , and have the calling code await it.

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