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Intellij IDEA toolbar usability

The Save button on IntelliJ IDEA toolbar is never disabled (grayed out) even though there has everything been saved. This is actually misleading the programmer by incorrectly hinting that there is something to save all the time.

But, the Redo button (see image bellow), for example, is properly disabled when there is nothing to redo. 在此处输入图片说明

Am I missing anything, any of my configuration is wrong?

(This behaviour is tested on Mac and Ubuntu)

Your configuration holds good and your observation too. It is never disabled. Some how the tabs also doesn't show up the modified files(By default).

The behavior of this is sometimes misleading but to show up the modification in the file,

Settings --> Editor --> Editor Tabs --> Mark Modified tabs with asterik

If this feature is enabled, we will come to know that the file is changed.


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