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AngularJS How do I access JSON from a directive

I have written the following directive:

var gameOdds = function(){
    return {
        template: '{{games["@homeTeam"]}} vs {{games["@awayTeam"]}}',
        scope: {
            games: '@'

<div game-odds games="{{games}}">

This uses the following JSON data (part of the json is below):

    @id: "69486",
    @homeTeam: "Home Team",
    @awayTeam: "Away Team",
    otherNormalValues : {
        etc: "normal..."

I know that the method of selecting these keys preceded with an @ symbol works when put directly into the HTML bound to a controller. But in my directive I cannot select the fields in this ["@field"] way.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Instead of using the attribute object notation, @ , you can use the = instead.



  .directive('gameOdds', function() {
    return {
      template: '{{games.homeTeam}} vs {{games.awayTeam}}',
      scope: {
        games: '='


<div game-odds games="games"></div>

Update: Sorry for the late reply, as what the accepted answer had mentioned, you can access them with the [] notation, if the key starts with special characters in it:

  .directive('gameOdds', function() {
    return {
      template: '{{games['@homeTeam']}} vs {{games['@awayTeam']}}',
      scope: {
        games: '='

The @ symbol on scope transforms whatever you pass to the attribute games into text, and passes it into your directive. If you use the = symbol, you can pass a scope variable into the directive.

With @ , scope.games will be a string

With = , scope.games will be your json object

var gameOdds = function(){
    return {
        template: '{{games["@homeTeam"]}} vs {{games["@awayTeam"]}}',
        scope: {
            games: '='

<div game-odds games="games">

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