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QML: Only One Row visible TableView with Row and Item Delegates

In the following code:

    width: { parent==null ? 640: parent.width }
    height: { parent==null ? 480: parent.height }

    Image {
        id: mainBackground
        anchors.fill: parent
        source: "qrc:///wallDiscoveryBackground"
        fillMode: Image.PreserveAspectFit

        TableView {
            id: wallDiscoveryTable
            anchors.margins: parent.width * 0.6
            width: parent.width

            clip: true

            model: discoveredWallsTableModel

            TableViewColumn { role: "name"; width: 240; title: "Name" }
            TableViewColumn { role: "ipAddress"; width: 240; title: "IP Address" }
            TableViewColumn { role: "status"; width: 240; title: "Status" }

            rowDelegate: wallDiscoveryRowDelegate    //comment out
            itemDelegate: wallDiscoveryItemDelegate  //comment out

        Component {
            id: wallDiscoveryRowDelegate
            Rectangle {
                width: wallDiscoveryTable.width
                height: 640

        Component {
            id: wallDiscoveryItemDelegate
            Text {
                anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
                color: styleData.textColor
                text: styleData.value

If I comment out lines setting the row and item delegates (lines I have marked with "//comment out") then the table renders fine, indicative of the fact that the model I have specified is right. However, when I set the row and item delegates, I only get the first row of the table rendered.

Can someone point me to what is wrong in the second case (with row and item delegates)?

Your delegate is huge. 640 pixels is more than half the height of most screens. Your code doesn't run properly since the model doesn't exist, but if I use a dummy model and reduce the height to 100 pixels, I see other items. Also, you should be able to scroll down to see the other items, even with your current code.

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