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Javascript Typerror variable undefined.

I m trying to make a simple dumb tic-tac-toe game using HTML, CSS and Javascript.

In the below function for the player move the ComputerMove Function cannot be called because of Typeerror in JSON object.

function Mymove(idValue) 
 var flag=0;
 var image = document.getElementById(idValue);
 if (image.src.match("blank.png")) {
 image.src = "X.png";
 if (flag==1) 
  alert("You Won");
function Check(){
   for (var i =0 ; i <= 8;i++) {
   var image=document.getElementById(winList[i].a);
   if (!image.src.match("blank.png")) {
   if(image.src==document.getElementById(winList[i].b).src && image.src==document.getElementById(winList[i].c).src)
   return 1;

Here is the JSON object below:-

var winList =[

The check function works always, and the console response as

TypeError: winList[i] is undefined

While Debugging I found after this error the ComputerMove() function never gets called. So please help.

Your winList array has a length of 8, with an index spanning from 0 - 7.

Your loop for (var i =0 ; i <= 8;i++) tries to access the winList[8] (when the i == 8 ), which is undefined - thus crashing the script when you try to access a of undefined ( winList[i].a ).

Try changing your loop condition to the following: for (var i = 0 ; i < 8; i++)

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