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Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class (PHP)

I'm having big problems with this fatal error. I have 5 files and every of them contains one class (Nationality.php, Team.php, BoughtTickets.php, Users.php, Tickets.php) and two of them require other classes.

So here is index.php


require 'header.html';
require 'pages/first.html';
require 'class/db.php';


require 'pages/footer.html';


require 'Nationality.php';
require 'Team.php';
require 'BoughtTickets.php';

class Users{
    public $Email;
    public $Name;


require 'Tickets.php';

class BoughtTicket{

    public $IDTicket;
    public $Date;

Eveytime I want to login, it gives me fatal error. If I remove line require 'BoughtTickets.php'; from class Users, it works, but it won't display table in one file which requires class BoughtTickets.php. Do you have any idea what to do to solve the problem?

Thank you


You may come across this error if you have something like

class C

class B extends A

class A


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