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Use of type-parameters before a method/constructor in Java Generics

I'm studying generics in Java, and was getting along comfortably until I reached the topic- Creating a generic method.

I know that in Java, generics are used when you want to implement something irrespective of the data type that the program(or method) operates upon. So, you could have a generic class as Class Gen<T> and then in a non-generic class class GenDemo (which includes the main() ). Then, you can create Gen references for different data types, such as Gen<Integer> iOB and Gen <String> strOB .

However, in the example given on creating a generic method, the book gives the following code:

//This is a simple generic method

class GenMethDemo

   //determine if an object is in an array
   static<T,V extends T> boolean isIn(T x, V[] y)

      for (int i=0; i<y.length; i++)
            return true;
            return false;

public static void main(String[] args)
   //use isIn() on Integers
   Integer nums[]={1,2,3,4,5};

   System.out.println("2 is in nums");

   System.out.println("2 is in nums");

   //use isIn() on Strings
   String strs[]={"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"};

   if(!(isIn("two", strs))
   System.out.println("two is in strs");


I understand that this program is trying to determine if a given array consists of a specified object. But I can't wrap my head around this line:

static <T,V extends T> boolean isIn(T x, V[] y)

Thinking on the lines of what I've studied so far in generics, I know that there are two arguments of the Boolean function isIn() . But what are the type-paramaters <T, V extends T> doing before the return type of the function isIn() ?

I understand the use of the keyword extends here; it acts as a bound for the type-parameter V, ie: V must be of the same type as T or a subclass of T, but I can't get further.

There is a similar use of type-parameters under the topic: Creating Generic Constructors , as:

class GenCons
       private double val;

       <T extends Number> GenCons(T arg)

        void showVal()
            System.out.println("Val: "+ val); 


As before, I'm stumped by the line: <T extends Number> GenCons(T arg) . Why is <T extends Number> used before the constructor is declared? It could also have been written like: GenCons(<T extends Number> arg) ?

Any help would be highly appreciated.

Notice how in your GenMethDemo and GenCons classes, the class itself doesn't have a generic type. It's not class GenMethDemo<T, V extends T> -- instead, it's just class GenMethDemo .

So if GenMethDemo and GenCons aren't generic classes, how are you able to use generics? It seems to be a contradiction.

Well, Java also lets you define generic methods . If I do static<T,V extends T> boolean isIn(T x, V[] y) , it's as if I had actually done class GenMethDemo<T, V extends T> except that the type variables T and V are scoped only to that particular method. This can be useful when you don't necessarily want the entire class to use generics; only a method or two where they're really needed.

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