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How do I connect to the IBM WebSphere MQ without having the IBM WebSphere MQ Client installed on the client machine?

I was looking for something to enable me to do this but couldn't find much.

I followed the steps described in the following answer to another question -


but that isn't working. I get a lot of errors saying the files/dependencies were not found.

Is there any way I can connect to the MQ without having the client installed?


Adding a new answer in light of the revelation that this is for mobile. You don't say whether this is for Windows Phone or Surface. I am not familiar enough with Surface, but IBM might even have a version of the MQ client that will work on it. Or maybe not.

Whether you are using Windows Phone for mobile or a Surface device, the device should not have a problem connecting to a WCF Service which connects to WMQ. James the Integration Guy has done a bit of work with this, and here's a blog post that might contain some ideas for you:

Using .NET WCF to connect to WebSphere MQ

Unfortunately, the blog appears to be inactive, so there may be no update on his progress.

ETA: Just to expand on my comment, Android can be made to connect to a WCF Service. Some links:

Afraid not officially... At the moment, my understanding is to run MQ .NET applications you need to have the MQ Client (or Server) installed which provides the .NET capability (either through the file system or via the GAC). You can run in fully managed mode, avoiding the need for calling through the C runtime components for the client functionality.

With some releases of MQ you are able to extract out just the files you need (its not just one file!) and be able to run in fully managed mode, but I would not recommend it... Feel free to raise a requirement with IBM

You could take your life in your own hands and try using IKVM to convert the pure Java WebSphere MQ libraries to .Net IL. I have never tried it with WebSphere MQ Java libraries specifically, but I have had a 96% success rate with many other Java libs.

Even if this works.... it will be unsupported .

The first answer that comes to my mind is actually a question: Why on earth would you want to try to do this?

The WMQ client is very unintrusive and there really isn't a good reason to do without it. It's free to use and so cost is not an issue. Have you discovered some niche environment for which IBM has failed to provide a version of the client? Unless this is the case I suggest you abandon this notion.

Most of the integration of mobile to WebSphere MQ that I'm aware of uses MQTT and the WebSphere MQ MQXR component. MQXR (for Extended Reach) is an MQTT broker running as a sub-process of the QMgr. It provides the full MQTT broker implementation and optionally bridges between MQTT and the QMgr.

Please see the MQ Knowledge Center for details:

Administering WebSphere MQ Telemetry

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