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C# RegEx, first match

I have next string:

String a = "someThing({Some text}); OtherStuff({Other text});";

I need to get the text included in '{' and '}' inside the 'someThing({...})';

I wrote:

var data = Regex.Match(a, @"(?<=someThing\(\{).*?(?=\}\)\;)", RegexOptions.Singleline).Groups[0].Value;

But as a result in data I get the whole string 'a'. My expected result - "{Some text}"

Thanks for any advance.

The below regex would match zero or more characters but not of } , or } which was present just after to something({



If you want the output to contain {} braces then you need to get out the opening curly bracket from lookbehind.





Try this.See demo.


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