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struts2 file upload success message on same page using ajax


After the upload (and in case of errors), dispatch the same page you come from:


    <action name="uploadPage" class="foo.bar.UploadAction">
        <result name="input">/upload.jsp</result>
        <result name="error">/upload.jsp</result>
    <action name="doUpload"   class="foo.bar.UploadAction" method="upload">
        <result name="input">/upload.jsp</result>
        <result name="error">/upload.jsp</result>


    public class UploadAction extends ActionSupport {       
        File   upload;
        String uploadFileName;
        String uploadContentType;       
        /* Getters and Setters for the above properties */

        public String execute() {
            return SUCCESS;

        public String upload(){             
            try {
                addActionMessage("Upload successfully completed");
                return SUCCESS;
            } catch (Exception e){
                addActionError("Error while uploading: " + e.getMessage());
                return ERROR;


    <s:if test="hasActionErrors()">
        <s:actionerror />
    <s:if test="hasActionMessages()">
        <s:actionmessage />    

    <s:form action="doUpload" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        <s:file name="upload" />
        <s:submit />

This is basic, then you may want to alter the URL or use Post Redirect Get or Tokens etc.. to prevent the user to resubmit the file when refreshing.

set ActionError in your action(if file doesnt meet your criteria) using

     addActionError("file not uploaded something went wrong");

otherwise set action message

     addActionMessage("Upload successfully completed");

jsp page.

    <s:actionerror />
    <s:actionmessage />    

 <s:form action="uploadAction" >
    <s:file name="filename" /> 
    <s:submit />

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