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Using Onsen UI with Meteor.js

In trying to use Onsen UI together with Meteor.js and Cordova, onsen-css-components.css and onsenui.css were copied to client/css and onsenui.js to client/lib . Onsen UI elements were used in a Meteor template in app.html .

However no CSS styles seem to be applied to these ons-* elements, as shown in screen cap below. What additional steps are required to apply Onsen UI styles to the template?


    <div class="center">List With Header</div>

    <ons-list-header>Android Versions</ons-list-header>

    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">KitKat</ons-list-item>
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">Jelly Bean</ons-list-item>
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">Honycomb</ons-list-item>

    <ons-list-header>Mac OS X Versions</ons-list-header>

    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">Mavericks</ons-list-item>
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">Mountain Lion</ons-list-item>
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">Lion</ons-list-item>
    <ons-list-item modifier="chevron">SnowLeopard</ons-list-item>




ons.ready(function() {
    // Add another Onsen UI element
    var content = document.getElementById("#my-content");
    content.innerHTML="<ons-button>Another Button</ons-button>";

Rendered Result


Javascript Console Errors

Uncaught ReferenceError: angular is not defined onsenui.js?6c0e6c9dd262aa6735d1d59f874924b40039dcde:3922
Uncaught ReferenceError: ons is not defined app.js?1177e75f0f0631724c9abb2b3ef5bb97373aca32:1

How can we use Onsen UI without the Angular dependency? Installed mrt:angular-stack on Meteor and it seems that its not compatible with Meteor 0.9+

I was wondering about the same thing. Looks like it's super tied to Angular: https://github.com/OnsenUI/OnsenUI/issues/222

For the time being, it's impossible to use OnsenUI tag without AngularJS. However, you can have OnsenUI style by using its CSS components which you can find here ( http://components.onsenui.io/ ).

You'll have to add urigo:angular package to your meteor app. Check http://angular-meteor.com for more details.

I came across this post as I also wanted to integrate OnsenUI for styling into Meteor.

I combined it with Blaze, by just getting the files the author above mentioned and copied where he described. Then added the corresponding class names from OnsenUI https://onsen.io/v2/api/css.html#button-category and it worked like a charm.

Eg, Blaze tutorial start page:


<h1>Welcome to Meteor!</h1>

{{> hello}}
{{> info}}


<template name="hello">
<button class="button">Click Me</button>
<p>You've pressed the button {{counter}} times.</p>

<template name="info">

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