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Storing JSON object using Meteor.js

I am trying to store a session id in a variable that I need in order to make other calls to the external API I am using. I am running it all on the server side, sorry if I messed any of this up, I am new to stack overflow and API use in general.

Here is the code that establishes the connection.

    if (Meteor.isServer) {

  var devId = "XXXX";
  var utcTime = moment.utc().format("YYYYMMDDHHmmss");
  var signature = CryptoJS.MD5(devId + 'createsession' + authKey + utcTime).toString()

  HTTP.call('GET', 'http://api.smitame.com/smiteapi.svc/createsessionJson/' + devId + '/' + signature + '/' + utcTime, {

  }, function(error, response){
    if ( error ) {
      console.log( error );
    } else {
      console.log( response );

Here is the data displayed back into my terminal, how can I grab that session_id?

I20160108-22:23:29.324(-7)?    { ret_msg: 'Approved',
I20160108-22:23:29.324(-7)?      session_id: '270E9528F59E40DD88F504BE63A9DC6E',
I20160108-22:23:29.325(-7)?      timestamp: '1/9/2016 5:23:29 AM' } }

Okay, if anyone ever needs this for something, I figured out what I needed for this. Here is the correct version for what I was trying to do.

HTTP.call('GET', 'http://api.smitame.com/smiteapi.svc/createsessionJson/' + devId + '/' + signature + '/' + utcTime, {

  }, function(error, response){
    if ( error ) {
      console.log( error );
    } else {
      console.log( response );
         var sessionId = response.data.session_id;

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