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How to install Laravel 5.0

I'm having trouble getting a test instance of Laravel 5.0 up and running so I can assist with this transition.

1) Creating a new app from https://github.com/laravel/laravel/tree/develop leads to the following error when running composer install .

     "message":"Undefined index: timezone",
     "message":"Undefined index: timezone",

Am I completely missing something?

UPDATE: This question/answer was only relevant when Laravel 5 was in the development stage. You should now reference the Laravel Documentation for how to install Laravel

As Laravel 5 is already final release, to install it, you should run

composer create-project laravel/laravel test-laravel-5-project --prefer-dist 

in your console. test-laravel-5-project is the name of your project you can call it anyway you want - for example myblog, myapp etc. Laravel files will be put inside this directory

You can also use alternative method using

composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.1"

and then running

laravel new test-laravel-5-project 

For detailed info you should look at official Laravel installation notes

The below answer is being kept only for historical reasons and it was valid when Laravel 5 still was in its development stages. You should now only use the method mentioned above

I've just tested this and there are two ways of installing Laravel 5:

One-step method

You just run:

composer create-project laravel/laravel test-laravel-5-project dev-develop --prefer-dist

and composer will create the whole directory structure. In above command test-laravel-5-project is your project name - you can of course name it as you want (composer will create directory with this name and put all Laravel5 files inside this directory)

Multi-step method

  1. Download https://github.com/laravel/laravel/tree/develop with option Download ZIP
  2. Unpack it in web directory
  3. Run composer update (not composer install ) in directory where you unpacked your ZIP file

Using both methods when you run URL for your project in the browser (for example http://localhost/projects/test-laravel-5-project/public depending on your webserver settings ) you will get standard Laravel website You have arrived.

Both methods should work well. Give either one a try, whichever works best for you.

Go to CLI and enter following command line. make sure composer is already installed.

$composer create-project laravel/laravel <yourdirectryname> dev-develop It will ask you a question about removing .git files enter Y then. change the directory to

$cd <yourdirectoryname> then enter following command

$ php artisan -V

you will be able to see following message.

Laravel Framework version 5.0-dev means you have installed laravel 5 successfully!

Run this command from where you want to store your project

composer create-project laravel/laravel <projectname>

Remember, it will download the latest version of laravel application from git.

if you are using linux then give permission to bootstrap/cache and storage by running the command chmod 777 -R <dir name> from root of your laravel project

作曲家全球需要“laravel / installer = ~1.1”

First you need to install laravel globally in your system by this command

composer global require laravel/installer then you can install laravel by three ways, 1) Go to laravel github Reqosritory and download it's zip, and second it get ssh or Https url and install it from CMD or Git bash 2) open Git bash just write laravel new there, this will download the latest laravel verision 3) open cmd or git bash and write there. composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog if you want to install some old version then you can write the mention the version in last. composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog 5.2.*

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