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Consume asmx webservice in pcl

I am developing an app which uses third party .asmx web service. And I am using PCL(Portable class Libraries) in my app.

So I wanted to consume those .asmx web services in my app. Problem is PCL doesn't support traditional web service viz .asmx . It supports WCF web services.

I have read many articles, they suggests me that from wsdl write WCF web service. But since all web services are third party, I need to write proxy in client app (Where web service is being called) such that it will convert WCF call to .asmx .

Also I have tried this example using PCL. I am using this asmx web service

public class PerformLogIn : ILogInService
         public string LogIn(string code)
             ServiceReference1.WeatherSoapClient obj = new ServiceReference1.WeatherSoapClient();
             ServiceReference1.WeatherReturn get = new ServiceReference1.WeatherReturn();

             return (get.Temperature);

But I am not getting any result. So do anybody have idea how to do that??

Eureka I found it..

Use following code snippet

public class PerformLogIn : ILogInService
         public void LogIn(string code)
             ServiceReference1.WeatherSoapClient obj = new ServiceReference1.WeatherSoapClient(
                                        new BasicHttpBinding(),
                                        new EndpointAddress("http://wsf.cdyne.com/WeatherWS/Weather.asmx"));

         void getResult(Object sender,GetCityForecastByZIPCompletedEventArgs e)
             string error = null;

             if (e.Error != null)
                 error = e.Error.Message;
             else if (e.Cancelled)
                 error = "cancelled";
             var result = e.Result; 

So your response from web service is being stored in result variable. Just fetch the data whatever needed and return it to calling client.

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