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adding/removing widgets at runtime in FLTK in c++

I'm making an application that deals with floorplans and so wish to have a Layer dialogue which allows the user to turn on/off the different layers in the floorplan.

I would like to have a pop up window which therefore has a checkbox for every layer in the floorplan loaded at runtime. Each check box would be a widget in its own right which I only have experience of specifying/creating at compile time. However, here I would not know how many check boxes I would need until the particular floor plan was loaded.

My question moving forward is how I would create such functionality in FLTK (what I'm using). I can imagine creating the check box widgets in a loop in a callback when the layer dialogue is brought up (each possessing a generic callback function themselves), but I don't know how to instruct FLTK where to put the check box widgets. Ie how would I, at runtime, instruct FLTK that the layer dialogue window should be the parent widget? Alternatively I could dynamically create the whole window, but I am concerned about ensuring the window was destroyed (deleted) whenever it was hidden.

NB I would imagine deleting the widgets when the window was closed (hidden). On this point I am also unclear: do I delete the widget in the usual new/delete c++ manner or do I use the Fl::delete_widget() dialogue ( http://www.fltk.org/doc-1.3/group__fl__del__widget.html#ga609413ac47ba433d1e7da8678a27164f )

OR: is there a much better way of doing all of this which side steps all of these issues?

Here is a noddy example of how to do the sizing based on the number of layers. The main thing to note is that if you use a vector, it reallocates as the vector grows so keeping pointers to display data in a vector can result in rubbish on the screen.

If you set the sizes of the widgets in a const file somewhere, you can use it for sizing.

#include <FL/Fl.H>
#include <FL/fl_draw.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Window.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Box.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Button.H>
#include <FL/Fl_Check_Button.H>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
#include <vector>

const int hsep = 10, vsep = 10, btnwid = 100, btnhgt = 20;

// The canvas layer
class Canvas : public Fl_Box
    Fl_Offscreen& m_buffer;
    Canvas(int x, int y, int w, int h, Fl_Offscreen& buffer)
        : Fl_Box(x, y, w, h)
        , m_buffer(buffer)

    void Clear()
        fl_rectf(0, 0, w(), h());
    void draw()
        fl_copy_offscreen(x(), y(), w(), h(), m_buffer, 0, 0);

// This structure exists because there is no callback that takes
// two client parameters.  Also, the tag must exist for the life of
// the dialog.
class LayerWin;
class LayerCheck
    int m_layer;
    std::string m_tag;
    LayerWin* m_parent;

// The layer window
class LayerWin
    int m_layers;
    Fl_Window* m_dlg;
    std::string m_title;
    std::list<LayerCheck> m_tag;
    Canvas* m_canvas;
    Fl_Offscreen m_buffer;
    std::vector<bool> m_layer;
    LayerWin(int layers)
        : m_layers(layers)
        , m_dlg(0)
        delete m_dlg;

    void Create()
        int dlgwid = 400, dlghgt = 300;
        std::ostringstream oss;

        oss << m_layers << " Layers";
        m_title = oss.str();
        m_dlg = new Fl_Window(dlgwid, dlghgt, m_title.c_str());
        int x = hsep, y = vsep;
        for (int ll = 0; ll < m_layers; ++ll)
            oss << "Layer " << ll + 1;
            LayerCheck dummy;
            LayerCheck& actual = m_tag.back();
            actual.m_tag = oss.str();
            actual.m_layer = ll;
            actual.m_parent = this;
            Fl_Check_Button* btnCheck = new Fl_Check_Button(x, y, btnwid, btnhgt, actual.m_tag.c_str());
            btnCheck->callback(_LayerCB, &actual);
            y += vsep + btnhgt;

        x = hsep + btnwid + hsep;
        y = vsep;
        int canw = dlgwid - x - 2 * hsep;
        int canh = dlghgt - 3 * vsep;
        m_buffer = fl_create_offscreen(canw, canh);
        m_canvas = new Canvas(x, y, canw, canh, m_buffer);

        Fl_Button* btnClose = new Fl_Button(hsep, dlghgt - vsep - btnhgt, btnwid, btnhgt, "Close");
        btnClose->callback(_CloseCB, this);


    static void _CloseCB(Fl_Widget* w, void* client)
        LayerWin* self = (LayerWin*)client;
        delete self;
    static void _LayerCB(Fl_Widget* w, void* client)
        Fl_Check_Button* btn = (Fl_Check_Button*)w;
        LayerCheck* check = (LayerCheck*)client;
        check->m_parent->LayerCB(check->m_layer, !!btn->value());
    void LayerCB(int layer, bool set)
        std::cout << "Layer " << layer+1 << "=" << set << std::endl;
        m_layer[layer] = set;

        // Redo the canvas
        for (int ll = 0; ll < m_layer.size(); ++ll)
            if (m_layer[ll])
                switch (ll)
                case 0:
                    fl_circle(20, 40, 100);
                case 1:
                    fl_rectf(50, 70, 20, 40);
                case 2:
                    fl_circle(100, 100, 50);
                case 3:
                    fl_circle(200, 200, 70);
                case 4:
                    fl_rectf(100, 200, 60, 90);
                    std::cout << "Don't know what to do for layer " << ll + 1;

void LayerCB(Fl_Widget* w, long layers)
    // Create a modal dialog with layers checkbuttons
    LayerWin* dlg = new LayerWin(layers);

int main()
    // Work out the sizes
    int scrwid = btnwid + 2 * hsep, scrhgt = 2 * vsep + 3 * (vsep + btnhgt);

    // Create the main dialog
    Fl_Window mainwin(scrwid, scrhgt, "Layers");
    int x = hsep;
    int y = vsep;
    Fl_Button* button = new Fl_Button(x, y, btnwid, btnhgt, "3 layers");
    button->callback(LayerCB, 3);

    y += vsep + btnhgt;
    button = new Fl_Button(x, y, btnwid, btnhgt, "4 layers");
    button->callback(LayerCB, 4);

    y += vsep + btnhgt;
    button = new Fl_Button(x, y, btnwid, btnhgt, "5 layers");
    button->callback(LayerCB, 5);
    return Fl::run();

Good luck!

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