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Can someone help me with my ajax code?

I wanted to change the visibility of the thumbnail to visible right after when I click the button what should I do? please help me on this one because I cannot figure it out by myself because I do not know so much about ajax and web programming. Thanks in advance.

 function ha(){ $('#tabExe').click(function(event){ $.ajax({ url:'backEnd/ROOMS.php', success:function(result){ $('#room1').css({ // this is just for style "visibility" : "visible", }); } }); }); } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <button style="border-radius:0px;" type="submit" name="tabExe" onClick="function ha();" id="tabExe" href="#Exec" class="btn btn-primary"> Executive Room </button> <div id = "rm1" class="col-xs-12 col-md-3"> <a id="room1" value="sa" href="#" class="thumbnail" style="visibility:hidden;"> <img class="img-responsive" src="../backEnd/res/img/login/roomActive.png" style="width:100px;"> </a> </div> 

If you just need to show the thumbnail (and you're not concerned about the response), include a beforeSend callback, like this:

        beforeSend: function() {
            $('#room1').css({ // this is just for style        
                "visibility" : "visible",


This will call before making the ajax request. success and error only are called when the request completes.

Here's a fiddle demonstrating:


EDIT: IF you need the thumbnail to show when a response comes back, then you'll want to look into the ajax response and see why success is not being called. One way to test is to add complete , something like this:

        beforeSend: function() {
            $('#room1').css({ // this is just for style        
                "visibility" : "visible",

        complete: function(results) {


Should alert (404)

Good luck.

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