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Failed Ant build - The libs.CopyLibs.classpath property is not set up

I am trying to create a .war file from a svn source code that appears to be built using NetBeans.

I am aware of the question The libs.CopyLibs.classpath property is not set up

However, I would like to provide further details about my setup and the answers in the other question don't resolve my issue.

I am using Eclipse Luna & Ant version apache-ant-1.9.4. Could someone please enlightenment me whether I actually need the file and if so why? I downloaded the missing jar and the title of the jar is "org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" which suggests to me that this jar is IDE-specific. Just making an assumption here.

Here's my error message that I receive in a command prompt on running "ant" command.

BUILD FAILED C:\\eclipse_workspace\\MyProject\\xyz\\project\\build-impl.xml:476: The libs.CopyLibs.classpath property is not This property must point to org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar file which is part of NetBeans IDE installation and is usually located at /java/ant/extra folder. Either open the project in the IDE and make sure CopyLibs library exists or setup the property manually. For example like this: ant -Dlibs.CopyLibs.classpath=a/path/to/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar

I can see that message is coming from my "build-impl.xml" file. But I don't really understand the purpose of the file and how to resolve this issue since I don't even have Netbeans installed on my machine.

        <target name="-init-taskdefs">
            <fail unless="libs.CopyLibs.classpath">
               The libs.CopyLibs.classpath property is not set up.
               This property must point to  org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar 
               file which is part of NetBeans IDE installation and is usually located at 
               &lt;netbeans_installation&gt;/java&lt;version&gt;/ant/extra folder.
               Either open the project in the IDE and make sure CopyLibs library exists or setup the 
               property manually. For example like this:
               ant -Dlibs.CopyLibs.classpath=a/path/to/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar
            <taskdef classpath="${libs.CopyLibs.classpath}" 

Using NetBeans, You can resolve this problem using these steps:

In NetBeans, select Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Ant .

In the Properties section, add the following property:


/java/ant/extra/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar must be your org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar file path

只需调用Netbeans频繁更新(帮助->检查更新)就可以在我的PC上解决此问题(使用NetBeans 8.0.2)

checked for updates in netbeans(Help --> Check for Updates) and the problem got solved. This solved my problem...... Earlier i was thinking to re-install netbeans, but being a lenghty process I decided to search for the solution and luckily found the solution. Guys every prob has a solution, try to get the solution in your way.....

I have managed to find a working solution for my situation.

1) Downloaded and added the org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar to my Ant/lib directory: C:/apache-ant-1.9.4/lib/

2) (in command line) Navigated to the folder containing my "build.xml" file, so it would be "abcfolder" C:\\eclipse_workspace\\myproject\\abcfolder \\build.xml

3) Ran the following commmand ant -Dlibs.CopyLibs.classpath=C:/apache-ant-1.9.4/lib/org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar

I got a successful build.

I updated the build.xml file and it worked

<target name="-init-taskdefs">
<property name="libs.CopyLibs.classpath" value="(path of netbeans 
<fail unless="libs.CopyLibs.classpath">    

thank you, for referring this

If you get "

Could not load definitions from resource org/netbeans/modules/java/j2seproject/copylibstask/antlib.xml. It could not be found.

" this error after setting Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Ant in the Properties , adding property-


Then add jar in the upper field "Classpath" add this "org-netbeans-modules-java-j2seproject-copylibstask.jar" jar located in your netbeans installation location inside "NetBeans 8.0.2\\extide\\ant\\extra".

For the main answer the setting in Netbeans. You may find is in Tools > Options > Java > Ant

And it may be easier to click Add Directory next to the Classpath window and navigate to the ...\\java\\ant\\extra to add that whole folder.

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