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start using jpa in spring

Im really dont get it. I download STS Spring Tool Suite, and i want to use JPA in my MVC app. I have to add some JAR's? where can i find that JAR's, how do i know what JAR's are? what i have to add to my pom.xml file?

I already checked many sites but anyone tell exactly how to make it work. Its like the assume you know some steps that i really dont know what steps are.

Then, if i create more than one repository for differents objects, they do the transactions to the same database?


<dependency> <groupId>javax.persistence</groupId> <artifactId>persistence-api</artifactId> <version>1.0</version> </dependency>

I recommend visiting http://mvnrepository.com . I have used that in the past to find out what I need to add to the POM. Also, IDEs like IntelliJ and Eclipse make this really easy by providing arch-types, etc. For example, to get spring go here: http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.springframework/spring-context/4.1.0.RELEASE .

Here is something to get your started. Just add these dependencies and you'll get jpa along with spring. Removing the persistence this is what you would need to make a simple spring mvc web server. With the persistence, you'll have to set things up.


There are lots of example on the net. I'm sure if you searched you could find something. Anyway I have a project here you can use to get started:


This is a minimal project that has everything you need including some unit tests that will run against an in-memory HSQLDB database.

You can download the ZIP and import to Eclipse/STS or check it out as a git project. For the ZIP:

  • download, unzip and then in Eclipse/STS select Import > Existing Maven Project > Select the unzipped folder.

  • Once imported right click on the project and run mvn > install (because the project uses QueryDSL requires a full Maven build rather than Eclipse incremental build but there is a plugin you can setup).

  • Open the test class UserRepositoryTest and run.

Also, further to the comments above, the persistence-api is just a specification. You also need to add dependency for an implementation eg Hibernate, OpenJPA, EclipseLink. My example project uses Hibernate.

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