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How to perform zip-like operations on two RDDs of different number of elements in each partition?

I'm using Spark 1.1.0.

I have 2 RDDs firstSample and secondSample of type JavaRDD<IndividualBean> . The contents of these RDDs is as follows:

IndividualBean [params={...}], 
IndividualBean [params={...}], 
IndividualBean [params={...}]

IndividualBean [params={...}], 
IndividualBean [params={...}], 
IndividualBean [params={...}]

When I try to zip them together, I get the following error:

Can only zip RDDs with same number of elements in each partition

I guess that this is because my RDDs do not have the same number of partitions, or the same number of elements per partition.

I would like to perform an operation on these RDDs that will give me the same results as zip .

Right now, I found the following solution (with the totalSize variable just being the size of firstSample.union(secondSample) ):

JavaPairRDD<IndividualBean, IndividualBean> zipped = firstSample.union(secondSample).zipWithIndex().mapToPair(
            new PairFunction<Tuple2<IndividualBean,Long>, Long, IndividualBean>() {
                public Tuple2<Long, IndividualBean> call(
                        Tuple2<IndividualBean, Long> tuple) throws Exception {
                    return new Tuple2<Long, IndividualBean>(tuple._2, tuple._1);
    }).groupBy(new Function<Tuple2<Long,IndividualBean>, Long>() {
        public Long call(Tuple2<Long, IndividualBean> tuple) throws Exception {
            long index = tuple._1.longValue();
            if(index < totalSize/2){
                return index+totalSize/2;
            return index;
    }).values().mapToPair(new PairFunction<Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IndividualBean>>, IndividualBean, IndividualBean>() {
        public Tuple2<IndividualBean, IndividualBean> call(
                Iterable<Tuple2<Long, IndividualBean>> iterable) throws Exception {
            Iterator<Tuple2<Long, IndividualBean>> it = iterable.iterator();
            IndividualBean firstBean = it.next()._2;
            IndividualBean secondBean = it.next()._2;
            return new Tuple2<IndividualBean, IndividualBean>(firstBean, secondBean);

But it is quite expensive, since it involves shuffling.

What could be a better way to do this?

A solution in Scala because that's how I've dome all my Spark programming.

The key to this solution is to keep the same partitioning scheme throughout, and then zip the individual partitions together. To achieve this the solution plays fast and loose with sampling. In particular, the data point paired with each randomly chosen point is:

  1. Chosen from the same partition
  2. Not chosen at random (in fact will tend to have come from right next to it in the original RDD)

The first of these simplifications is essential to the solution. The second could be removed by adding some code to the zipFunc defined below to reorder one side of the zip.

It's important to understand what zipFunc does: I'm zipping together the sample and its complement, and these are not even the same size. I trivially zip up the contents of corresponding partitions in the two RDDs and even though they don't have the same number of samples: when I run out of samples on one side of the zip I just drop the ones on the other side.

val testRDD = sc.parallelize(1 to 1000, 4)

val firstSample = testRDD.sample(false, 0.4)
val remaining = testRDD.subtract(firstSample)

def zipFunc(l: Iterator[Int], r: Iterator[Int]) : Iterator[(Int,Int)] = {
  val res = new ListBuffer[(Int, Int)]
  // exercise for the reader: suck either l or r into a container before iterating 
  // and consume it in random order to achieve more random pairing if desired
  while (l.hasNext && r.hasNext) {
    res += ((l.next(), r.next()))
// notice the `true` to make sure partitioning is preserved
val pairs:RDD[(Int,Int)] = firstSample.zipPartitions(remaining, true)(zipFunc)

As far as I can tell this requires no cross-partition communication. It does depend on your samples being drawn fairly evenly from across the partitions, and in my experience the sample() method is not too bad in this regard.

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