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Android parse.com delete object from array

You can see what i am talking about in this picture


I have an array called "statusLikers" under a class called "Status". I am trying to create a facebook/instagram like/unlike functionality on button click.

Now, before i move on from where i am, i am trying to figure out how to remove users from the array.

I know how to add to th array but i dont know how to delete from it.

The way i am going about it is like this

List<Object> likesPpl = status.getList("statusLikers");
JSONObject myObject = new JSONObject();

try {
    myObject.put("statusLikers", currUser.getUsername());
} catch (JSONException e1) {


but it does not seem to work, first i want to learn to remove items from the array before i create the if statements.

to remove data from an array of a Parse Tab

 List<String> ary_users = new ArrayList<String>();
ParseQuery<ParseObject> queryPart1 = ParseQuery.getQuery("Channel");

    queryPart1.findInBackground(new FindCallback<ParseObject>() {

        public void done(List<ParseObject> list, ParseException e) {
            if (e==null) {
                if (list.size()>0) {
                    ParseObject p = list.get(0);
                    if (p.getList("usersArray")!=null) {
                        ary_users =  p.getList("usersArray");
                        ary_users =  null;
                    if (ary_users!=null) {
                        if (ary_users.contains(frnd_objid)) {
                            p.saveInBackground(new SaveCallback() {
                    public void done(ParseException arg0) {
            Toast.makeText(activity,frnd_name+ "is successfully removed in the channel"+channel_name,Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Here "usersArray" is an Array of table "Channel" .And I am removing "frnd_objid" from the "usersArray"

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