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Populate ComboBox with Each FileType From Directory

Basically, I have a ComboBox which I want to populate with File Extensions from a specific Directory .

Currently, I'm using:

Dim dir = "C:\"
For Each file As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(dir)

This doesn't work properly because it basically loads all the extensions for all the files in the directory. I want it so that it shows each ONE file type. for instance, if there are 10 files:

  • File1.jpg
  • File2.jpg
  • File3.png
  • File4.mp3
  • File5.mp3
  • File6.dat
  • File7.dat
  • File8.tif
  • File9.jpg
  • File10.mp3

Out of these 10 Files, there are 6 file extensions that are different file extensions:

  • Jpg
  • Png
  • Mp3
  • Dat
  • tif

How do I load each 1 one these file extensions into the ComboBox rather than just repeating it?


cmb_FileTypes.Items.AddRange((From name In Directory.GetFiles(dir) Select Path.GetExtension(name).Replace(".", "") Distinct).ToArray())

You could use LINQ to group the extensions

For Each file As String In Directory.GetFiles(dir).[Select](Function(p) Path.GetExtension(p)).Distinct().OrderBy(Function(p) p).ToList()

or you can create a method which returns a List<string> containing unique extensions.

Public Function UniqueExtensions(filenames As String()) As List(Of String)
    Dim extSet As New HashSet(Of String)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
    For Each file As String In filenames
    Return extSet.ToList()
End Function

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