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how to get hour integer from python datetime.time field

I have a datetime.time field that is equal to 3:00.

How can I get 3 as an integer from this object?

I have tried:

transaction_time = form.cleaned_data['transaction_time']
print transaction_time.hour

I get the error:

'unicode' object has no attribute 'hour'

Seems like transaction_time is of type unicode. You can use string manipulation to get the hour part(transaction_time[0]) or typecast it to datetime and get hour.

According to the docs:

If a Field has required=False and you pass clean() an empty value, then clean() will return a normalized empty value rather than raising ValidationError. For CharField, this will be a Unicode empty string. For other Field classes, it might be None. (This varies from field to field.)


So as Arun mentioned, I did string manipulation to determine the time:

def set_hour_for_date(customer, hour_str, transaction_date):
    meridian = hour_str[-2:]
    hour = int(hour_str[:2])
    if meridian == 'PM':
        hour = hour + 12
    relative_time = customer.time_zone.localize(datetime(

    return relative_time

transaction_time is not a time object, it's unicode, so convert it first to a struct_time using strptime , then get the field tm_hour.

from time import strptime
t = strptime(form.cleaned_data['transaction_time'], '%H:%M')

print t.tm_hour

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