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Recommendation on using abbreviations in CamelCase from Code Complete

In the latest code review I was asked, why did I change the method name from GetHDRFrame to GetHdrFrame , while HDR is an abbreviation. I'm pretty sure there was such recommendation in Code Complete: when using abbreviations in CamelCase names, treat them as regular words. But I cannot find the place where it is written. Could somebody give me an exact phrase in Code Complete, where it is stated?

There is a similar question with the useful links to MS rules, but I'm looking for Code Complete quote.

As far as I've been able to determine, there is no such advice in Code Complete. But it does say:

People have managed to have zealous, blistering debates over fine points such as whether the first character in a name should be capitalized ( TotalPoints vs. totalPoints ), but as long as you and your team are consistent, it won't make much difference.

And that may help you avoid such nitpicking in future code reviews. ;-)

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