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Convert a decimal number represented as a string to its hex format still representing it as a string

I'm trying to do operations in 160 bit integers using the bigInteger.js library, but I want to keep a representation of those in hex format so I can transmit them over and use them as ID.

var git_sha1 = require('git-sha1');
var bigInt = require("big-integer");

var uuid = git_sha1((~~(Math.random() * 1e9)).toString(36) + Date.now());
console.log('in hex \t', uuid); // See the uuid I have
console.log('in dec \t', bigInt(uuid, 16).toString()); // convert it to bigInt and then represent it as a string
console.log('to hex \t', bigInt(uuid, 16).toString(16)); // try to convert it back to hex

Here is my output:

in hex   4044654fce69424a651af2825b37124c25094658
in dec   366900685503779409298642816707647664013657589336
to hex   366900685503779409298642816707647664013657589336

I need that to hex to be the same as in hex . Any suggestions? Thank you!

I don't know if you're that attached to big-integer , but if you're not, bigint does exactly what you want.

EDIT : If you want to keep big-integer, this should do the trick :

function toHexString(bigInt) {
  var output = '';
  var divmod;
  while(bigInt.notEquals(0)) {
    divmod = bigInt.divmod(16);
    bigInt = divmod.quotient;
    if (divmod.remainder >= 10)
      output = String.fromCharCode(87+divmod.remainder) + output;
      output = divmod.remainder + output;
  return output;

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