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AWS : cannot execute binary file

My server is a Amazon Linux AMI 64bits ( 2014.09-release-notes )

I compiled a program coded in C++ ( gcc48-c++.x86_64 is installed) :

[root@ip-***-**-**-*** waveform_generator]# make
Compiled    [src/main.cpp] >> [src/main.o]
Compiled    [src/File.cpp] >> [src/File.o]
Compiled    [src/AGenerator.cpp] >> [src/AGenerator.o]
Compiled    [src/GeneratorSVG.cpp] >> [src/GeneratorSVG.o]
Compiled    [src/GeneratorCanvas.cpp] >> [src/GeneratorCanvas.o]
Compiled    [src/GeneratorPNG.cpp] >> [src/GeneratorPNG.o]
Compiled    [src/Header.cpp] >> [src/Header.o]
Compiled    [src/pngwriter.cpp] >> [src/pngwriter.o]
Built       [wfgen]

Now when I execute the compiled file "wfgen" the console return this message :

[root@ip-***-**-**-*** waveform_generator]# bash wfgen
wfgen: wfgen: cannot execute binary file

Environment :

[root@ip-***-**-**-*** waveform_generator]# uname -i
[root@ip-***-**-**-*** waveform_generator]# file wfgen
wfgen: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, BuildID[sha1]=2e7c881c6fc10f12cdf49402edae1cc36b8d77a0, not stripped

Do you have a solution to my problem?

Thank you a lot :)


When you type

[root@ip-***-**-**-*** waveform_generator]# bash wfgen

I think bash expects wfgen to be a shell script. Instead you could directly type the program name at th e prompt

[root@ip-***-**-**-*** waveform_generator]#./wfgen

It looks like the compiling went fine, the output of the file command looks good. I don't know what's in the Makefile, but guess it'll be fine, too.

I don't really know your environment, so I'm taking a bit of a guess here: If everything else went fine, and you still get the cannot execute binary file error, then it can be because your filesystem is mounted with the noexec option.

To check if that's the case, run mount , then determine under which mount point the current directory is, and check if the noexec mount option is set for this mount point.

If it's indeed the noexec problem, you have two options:

  1. Remount the filesystem without the noexec option. If you want this to be permanent, don't forget to edit /etc/fstab . (Note however that noexec might be there for a reason. Make sure it's ok to remove it.)
  2. If it's only one binary, move it to a filesystem that doesn't have the noexec restriction and try from there. A good place would be the /usr/local/bin directory (or /usr/local/sbin , if it's an administrative tool.)

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