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Opcache causes PHP Fatal error: Class '\xa0L\xdaor\x7f' not found

Every now and then an image resizing script on our site will fail with the following error:

PHP Fatal error: Class '\\xa0L\\xdaor\\x7f' not found ... on line 4

The actual line 4 of the script in question is:

$photo = new Photo($photo_id);

I have no idea where the hex code \\xa0L\\xdaor\\x7f in the Error log comes from. The script will run fine and it runs relatively frequently for a day or two, then it starts failing every time, with that error.

If I run opcache_reset() , the errors stop.

Anyone have any idea what might be causing this issue?

UPDATE: I got no response - so I've simply excluded this file from the opcode cache using opcache.blacklist_filename .

Sometimes my whole PHP response was a bunch of hex codes like this.

I had that when opcache.fast_shutdown="1" was set.

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