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How to access variables of a class in another class without making them static?

I am working on a Java Swing application and it has a JFrame which has array of JButton (Another class). I have variables in the JFrame which I want to access in the JButton when its ActionListener is called. Currently I am declaring those variables as static so that I can access them directly.

public class MyFrame extends JFrame {
    //static variables
    public static MyButton buttons[] = new MyButton[N];
    public static int counter = 0;
    public static int clickedX, clickedY;

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        new MyFrame();

    public MyFrame(){
        // Doing Everything Here
        setSize(300, 380);
        // Layout, JMenu etc.

    //static functions to access static variables Here

Here is the MyButton class:

public class MyButton extends JButton implements ActionListener {

    private int xID,yID;
    public MyButton(int x, int y) {
        xID = x;
        yID = y;

    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        // Accessing MyFrame static variables and functions here    

But is there any other way to do this without declaring the variables and functions static?. I want to perform some logic based on the values in all buttons whenever ActionListener is invoked in any button

Note: I can't create JFrame object in the JButton class.

Make it like this:

public class MyFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener{
    //static variables
    private JButton buttons[] = new JButton[N];
    private int counter = 0;
    private int clickedX, clickedY;

    public static void main (String[] args) {
        new MyFrame();

    public MyFrame(){
        for (int i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++)
            JButton b = new JButton();
            buttons[i] = b;
        // Doing Everything Here
        setSize(300, 380);
        // Layout, JMenu etc.

    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
        // your code

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