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Array of struct implementation in C

I need some ideas on my array of struct implementation. This is what I have in my structs. I plan on making SHAPES an array because I will have multiple SHAPES. Each shape will have multiple x and y coordinates. Because of this I'm not sure if should make a linked list or not. The purpose of the start and finish is I will eventually be running a search algorithm after I get my shapes right.

struct START
    int x; 
    int y;
struct END
    int x; 
    int y;
struct SHAPES
    int x [100]; 
    int y [100];
    int *link;
    int distance_traveled; 
    int distance_to_finish;

I was reading this and was wondering if I needed to malloc or calloc my structs as I create them. If so why and if not why? Malloc and calloc are always confusing to me.

How do you make an array of structs in C?

int main(int argc, char *argv[])

    //Is it better to make these pointers? 
    struct START start;
    struct END end;
    struct SHAPES shapes[100];

    while(fgets(line, 80, fp) != NULL)
        //I have a very annoying issue here, I don't know the size of the lines. 
        //If there are more values I want to increment the x[] and y[] array but NOT the 
        //shapes array. I can only think of one way to deal with this by putting a bunch of 
        //variables in the sscanf. I discovered putting sscanf on the next line didn't do what 
        //I was hoping for. 
        sscanf(line, "%d%*c %d%*c ", &shapes[i].x[i] , &shapes[i].y[i] );
        printf(" line is: %s \n", line);
        sscanf(line, "%d%*c %d%*c ", &x1_main , &y1_main );
        printf(" line is: %s \n", line);
        printf(" shapes[i].x[i] is: %d \n", shapes[i].x[i]);
        printf(" shapes[i].y[i] is: %d \n", shapes[i].y[i]);
        printf(" x1_main is: %d \n", x1_main);
        printf(" y1_main is: %d \n", y1_main);
        memset(line, 0, 80);


This is what my file looks like. Adding the %*c seemed to handle the commas and semicolons appropriately.

10, 4
22, 37
22, 8; 2, 0; 3, 6; 7, 8; 5, 10; 25, 2
1, 2

I got that idea from here.


First of all, you might want to consider something like this:

struct point {
      int x;
      int y;

so you can use a struct point data structure (array) instead of two separate data structures for x and y . Using it like this should also speed up access to the points, since their coordinates are next to each other in memory. Otherwise you will have x somewhere in the x array and y somewhere in the y array.

The choice of the data structure to store the points depends on your usage. If you need to address points directly, a linked list may be a bad choice. If you always access all points in a linear order, it is fine. However, consider that a singly linked list will add 8 bytes per point for the next pointer. A doubly linked list will use another 8 bytes for prev (assuming 64-bit arch that is; sizeof(pointer) in general). I assume, that you create x[100] and y[100] to make sure you have enough space. You might be better off using a dynamic array (the ADT) eg glib's GArray after all. It will grow as big as you need it without you doing anything.

For malloc vs calloc : it doesn't really matter. A call to calloc is basically a malloc followed by a

memset(ptr, 0, sizeof(mallocd area);

ie the memory is zeroed; cf manpage calloc . If you initialize the memory directly you may not need to do this.

A struct with no pointer members
If your struct has no pointer members, such as:

typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;

} DEMO;  

Then you can simply declare an array instance of a typedef struct like this:

DEMO demo[10];// instance of array of 10 DEMO

Example, struct with Pointer members
If you have a pointer in the list of members:

#define SIZE_STR 20

typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;
    char *str;//pointer, will require memory allocation

DEMO demo[10];// instance of array of 10 DEMO

int main(void)
    int i;

    for(i=0;i<10;i++)//create memory for each instance of char * in array of DEMO
        demo[i].str = malloc(SIZE_STR); 
    return 0;

Don't forget to free() all instances of malloc'ed memory.

Dynamically allocate array of struct
If you need to dynamically allocate memory for a struct:

typedef struct {
    int a;
    int b;
} DEMO;  
DEMO demo, *pDemo;// create a pointer to DEMO

In a function, main() for example:

int main(void)
    pDemo = &demo;  
    pDemo = malloc(sizeof(DEMO)*10);//provides an array of 10 DEMO
    return 0;

Again, don't forget to free() all instances of malloc'ed memory.

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