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How can I get this loop's information in a table (Javascript)

I'm trying to get the loop that is in the code after this text to have the information outputted into a table. To explain this further, the function function doEvens() creates a loop that takes uses the number a person enters into the input text box Type in your Number: <input type="number" id="num"> , and displays all even numbers between that number and 2 within a paragraph: <p id="space"></p> , when the numbers are displayed within the paragraph they have a semicolon and a space separating them, instead of that I would like the numbers to be within a table, I have tried using createElementById and with no luck, I have tried putting a table between certain areas of the code, with no luck I still have not been able to fix this, I have many other projects I am working on and I am not very good at coding.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        function doEvens() {
            var number = document.getElementById('num').value;
            if(number > 1) {
                if(number % 2 == 0) {
                    while(number > 2) {
                        document.getElementById("space").innerHTML += (+number - 2) + "; ";
                        number = +number - 2;
                } else {
                    while(number > 1) {
                        document.getElementById("space").innerHTML += (+number - 2) + "; ";
                        number = +number - 2;
        Type in your Number: <input type="number" id="num">
    <button onclick="doEvens();" href="javascript;">Submit</button>
    <p id="space"></p>

I have implemented the solution with table . Here it is:

 function doEvens() { var number = document.getElementById('num').value, table = document.getElementById('evensTable'), cellsInRow = 20, evens = [], tableContent = '', row = '', i = 3, startAt, numberOfRows; table.innerHTML = ''; while (i++ < number - 1) { i % 2 === 0 && evens.push(i); } numberOfRows = evens.length / 20; for (var r = 0; r < numberOfRows; r++) { row = '<tr>'; startAt = r * cellsInRow; for (var c = startAt; c < startAt + cellsInRow; c++) { if (!evens[c]) break; row += '<td>' + evens[c] + '</td>'; } row += '</tr>'; tableContent += row; } table.innerHTML = tableContent; } 
 <body> Type in your Number: <input type="number" id="num"> <button onclick="doEvens();" href="javascript;">Submit</button> <table id="evensTable"> </table> </body> 

This table contains one row, but you can also create more rows in code (say after every 10 numbers print)

If something is not clear for you, please ask me.


I have updated the solution as per your needs.

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