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How to change a constraint name and schema on Sql Server

I just moved my Member table from MRK schema to GNR .

I previously had the script below to set its primary key:

If not Exists (select 1 
               from sys.objects 
               where name = 'PK_MRK_Member'
        ALTER TABLE      [MRK].[Member] 
          [MemberID] ASC
        ) ON [PRIMARY]

How do I change the name AND the schema of the defined constraint now?

I tried exec sp_rename 'PK_MRK_Member', 'PK_GNR_Member', 'INDEX' for changing the name, but get this error:

Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (INDEX) is wrong.

PS: I cannot drop the table and/or the PK constraint and create them again since they PK is already in use by other tables.

As I see your first parameter is wrong for procedure sp_rename . When you rename an index you should specify the schema and table as well as index name. Check this link for example

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