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Retrieve original uploaded filename using php on OpenShift

I would like to check that a file uploaded to my OpenShift app has a text extension (.txt or .tab). Following some advice given here I wrote the following code, with echoes added to help debug:

$AllowedExts =  array('txt','tab');
 echo "AllowedExts: " . $AllowedExts[0] . " and " . $AllowedExts[1] . "<br>";
$ThisPath = $_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'];
 echo "ThisPath: " . $ThisPath . "<br>";
$ThisExt = pathinfo($ThisPath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
 echo "ThisExt: " . $ThisExt . "<br>";
if(!in_array($ThisExt,$AllowedExts) ) {
    $error = 'Uploaded file must end in .txt or .tab';
 echo "error echo: " . $error . "<br>";

On uploading any file, the echoed response was:

AllowedExts: txt and tab

ThisPath: /var/lib/openshift/************/php/tmp/ phpSmk2Ew


error echo: Uploaded file must end in .txt or .tab

Does this mean that OpenShift is renaming the file upon upload? How do I get the original filename and then check its suffix? More generally, is there a better way to check the file type?

$_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'] contains the name of a temporary file on the server (which can be moved with move_uploaded_file() ). If you want to check the original name of the uploaded file on the client machine use $_FILES['uploadedfile']['name'] .

That's not an Open Shift issue, it's the standard way of PHP.

For further details see http://php.net/manual/en/features.file-upload.post-method.php

For other ways to detect the file type see http://php.net/manual/en/ref.fileinfo.php

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