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hashmap resultmap in mybatis

I have a java class like this:

public class Team {
private HashMap<String, User> users;
private int id_team;
private String nome;

And an xml file like this:

<resultMap id="userJoinTeamResultMap" type="Team">
    <id column="id_team" property="id_team" />
    <result column="nome" property="nome" />
    <collection property="users" javaType="HashMap" >
        <id column="id_user" property="id" />
        <result column="nome_user" property="nome" />
        <result column="cognome" property="cognome" />
        <result column="email" property="email" />

And a select that does what it have to do. But when I try to get the values in my hashmap:

ArrayList<Team> listaTeam = getBlmTeam().getUserTeamFromCorso(jsonInput.getInt("id_corso"));
Iterator<Team> it = listaTeam.iterator();
        Team t = it.next();
        Collection<String> set = t.getUsers().keySet();
        Iterator it2 = set.iterator();
             Object k = it2.next();
             System.out.println("key:"+k.toString()+"  value:"+t.getUsers().get(k));

My values are:

key:id     value:103
key:email  value:HSXB736GB
key:id     value:105
key:email  value:ZQFD4U

What keys are??? In the first team there are two users with keys 102 and 103. But every user uses the key "id", so, they are overwritten.

You're not using the HashMap correctly. You don't want to map

id -> 103
email -> HSXB736GB

etc. As you've discovered, if you do that, you'll only be able to have one user in there, because the key has to be unique, so when you add a new user, the id will be overwritten.

What you want to do is to map IDs to user objects

103 -> [user instance with ID 103]
105 -> [user instance with ID 105]

This means that rather than HashMap<String,Utente> you want HashMap<Integer,Utente> . Then you can do things like

Utente someUser = ...
map.put(someUser.getId(), someUser);

and later you'll be able to retrieve the user from the map with

Utente someUser = map.get(id);

as long as you know the ID.

I resolved using

private Arraylist<User> users;


<collection property="users" javaType="ArrayList">

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