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mybatis - resultmap - nullvalues to be replaced with userdefined values

Mybatis resultMap Assign customized value to nullvalue I want to assign my customized value for nullValue returning column from my query. Below is my code snippet Advanced thanks for your help

  <resultMap id="abcd" class="abcdVO">
    <result property="ABC" column="Col1" nullValue="No"/>
    <result property="XYZ" column="Col2" nullValue=" "/>

  <select id="abcd" parameterType ="String" resultMap="abcdMap">
     Select Col1, Col2 from xyz


<select id="abcd" parameterType ="String" resultMap="abcdMap">
   Select COALESCE(Col1, 'No') as Col1, COALESCE(Col2, ' ') as Col2 from xyz

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