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OutputStreamWriter encoding vs response content-type

I have an OutputStreamWriter in my Servlet that uses a particular encoding scheme, ie I have to use this constructor

OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, String charsetName)

Also, I have used the following line of code to set the encoding scheme of the response


Using this output stream I am sending response to the client.

Now in the browser the decoding will be done by which scheme UTF-8 or charsetName. Can someone explain me why?

The line

OutputStreamWriter(OutputStream out, String charsetName)

tells the writer which charset to use for encoding.

The line


sets the contentType header in the http response and tells the browser which encoding to use for displaying the content.

The browser will handle the content based on the Content-Type header. The charset you use for the OutputStreamWriter only affects how characters written to it are encoded into bytes.

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