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drawbacks of using ValidateRequest=“false” asp.net

I have a asp.net page with text editor. I am passing html to server side. So I started getting error like potentially dangerous script.

So I google it and found a solution on this site


with above code in page directive solved the error but I like to know if there any drawbacks to using ValidateRequest=“false”

You should now be mindful of XSS (Cross Site Scripting) attacks. ValidateRequest=true protected you against XSS by disallowing potentially dangerous HTML script tags. I would suggest that you disable ValidateRequest only for the pages where you accept HTML. This can be done using this directive at the top of the page.

<%@ Page ValidateRequest="false" %>.

Even in the cases where you accept html, on the C# side you would want to do some processing to sanitize the HTML you received by maintaining a whitelist. This article is a good resource for a simple HTML sanitizer - HTML Agility Pack strip tags NOT IN whitelist

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