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How to bind a domain name to expressjs application

How to bind a domain name to expressjs application.My application is running on servername:1001 I want to bind it to www.domainname.com. How can I do this in the application.

I'm searching for the same answer.

I have just been using app.use('/', router) with a processor that then checks the domain off the req object.

router.get('*', (req, res, next) => {

  let path = req.path.replace(/^\//g,'').replace(/\/$/g,'');
  let domain = req.headers.host.split(':')[0];
  domain = domain.replace(/^www\./g,'');


This is the closest thing I've been able to come with to actually using express routes per domain. On my own, 4 years ago.

Now there seems to be this VHOST module: http://expressjs.com/en/resources/middleware/vhost.html


Your DNS record you should use CNAME. As a value you should use the domain your hosting provider gave you ex. myapp.herokuapp.com(which on heroku side point to servername:1001). If you are using hosting like heroku, you should setup to accept traffic for your application for that specific domain. That last configuration is being made on heroku management site.

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