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Junit test with autowired fields

I am writing a series of test cases for a class with a few methods like:

public ServiceResponse getListOfGroups() {
    ServiceResponse serviceResponse = new ServiceResponse();
        Slf4JStopWatch sw = new Slf4JStopWatch("GetListOfGroups", log, DEBUG_LEVEL);
        List<Group> Groups = Arrays.asList(restTemplate.getForObject(getGroupServiceURL(), Group[].class));
    } catch(ServiceException  ex) {

    return serviceResponse;

The problem I am having is the fact that the restTemplate is @autowired from the actual implementation of the class (and therefore returning null when called in the unit test perspective). How would I go about writing a proper test case for these methods?

Here is what I have tried so far:

public void testGetListOfGroups() {
    ServiceResponse resp = new ServiceResponse();
    Mockito.when(uwsci.getListOfGroups()).thenReturn(resp); //uwsci is my mocked object
    assertTrue(uwsci.getListOfGroups() == resp);

I feel that this defeats the point of unit testing as it is just returning what I told it to and not really doing anything else.

Since you chose field injection, the only way to inject a mock dependency in your object is to use reflection. If you had used constructor injection instead, it would be as easy as

RestTemplate mockRestTemplate = mock(RestTemplate.class);
ClassUnderTest c = new ClassUnderTest(mockRestTemplate);

Fortunately, Mockito makes that possible using its annotations support:

private RestTemplate mockRestTemplate;

private ClassUnderTest classUnderTest;

public void prepare() {

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