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How use @Autowired in test with jUnit?

I'm having trouble running a test with @BeforeClass and @Autowired . I am using the H2 database in running the tests and would like to persist a list before running each test method. However, I get nullpointer . Can anybody help me?

Segue minha classe de teste:

public class TestaContaRepository {
    private static TerritorioRepresentanteRepository representanteRepository;

    public static void setup() {
        Conta c1 = new Conta();

        Conta c2 = new Conta();

        Conta c3 = new Conta();

        Conta c4 = new Conta();

        TerritorioRepresentante tr1 = new TerritorioRepresentante();
        tr1.setContas(Arrays.asList(c1, c2));

        TerritorioRepresentante tr2 = new TerritorioRepresentante();
        tr2.setContas(Arrays.asList(c2, c3, c4));

        TerritorioRepresentante tr3 = new TerritorioRepresentante();
        tr3.setContas(Arrays.asList(c1, c2, c3, c4));

        List<TerritorioRepresentante> territorios = Arrays.asList(tr1, tr2, tr3);

public void quando_BuscarPorContasDoRepresentante_RetornarListaDeContasPaginada() {



You "can't" create objects from a static field

EDIT: as rightly noted by friend 'lealceldeiro' - I should slightly elaborate.

@Autowire annotation is used when you want to inject ie field right after construction of a bean(object), before any config methods are invoked. So you want Spring container to take care of the object creation so you can only 'wire' them

If you were to 'wire' a static object - well @autowire purpose is sort of defeated, as once you start using static methods, you no longer need to create an instance of object.

When I say you can't well... technically you can but whats the point + it may be recorded as a bug for example:

public class Foo{

    private static Test t;

    public void setTest(Test test) {
        Foo.t = test;

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