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how do you write a c wrapper for a c++ class with inheritance

I was just wondering if there was a way to create ac wrapper API for a c++ class that has inheritance.

Consider the following:

class sampleClass1 : public sampleClass{

    int get() { return this.data *2; };
    void set(int data);

class sampleClass : public sample{

   int get() { return this.data; }
   void set(int data) {this.data = data; }

class sample {

   virtual int get();
   virtual void set(int data);

   int data;


How would I wrap the sampleClass1 to make it work in ac context ???


First, your sample should really get a proper virtual dtor.

Next, just add one free function with C-binding for each function which is part of the interface, simply delegating:


#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
typedef struct sample sample;
sample* sample_create();
sample* sample_create0();
sample* sample_create1();
void sample_destroy(sample*);
int sample_get(sample*);
void sample_set(sample*, int);
#ifdef __cplusplus


#include "sample.h" // Included first to find errors
#include "sample.hpp" // complete the types and get the public interface

sample* sample_create() {return new sample;}
sample* sample_create0() {return new sampleClass;}
sample* sample_create1() {return new sampleClass1;}
void sample_destroy(sample* p) {delete p;}
int sample_get(sample* p) {return p->get();}
void sample_set(sample* p, int x) {p->set(x);


// Your C++ header here, with class definition


#include "sample.hpp" // Included first to find errors
// Implement the class here

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