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Confused about choosing a loop to iterate a linked list

My problem is in the add method. I think I know what I want it to do but I can't figure out what type of loop I should use to look through the list. As you can see I started to make a if else loop but I couldn't figure out what I should use as the counter. I'm pretty sure I have the right logic in dealing with the add but I feel like I'm not quite there yet. I was thinking of using compareTo in some fashion.

import java.util.*;
public class OrderedLinkedList<E extends Comparable<E>>
   private Node topNode;
   private class Node
       private E data;
       private Node nextNode;

       public Node(E data)
           this.data = data;
           nextNode = null;
   public OrderedLinkedList()
       topNode = null;

   public boolean empty()
       if(topNode == null)
        return true;
       return false; 

   public String toString()
       String myString = "";
       Node nextNode = topNode;
       while(nextNode != null)
           myString = topNode + " -> " + nextNode;
           nextNode = topNode.nextNode;
       return myString;

   public void add(E data)
       Node myNode = new Node(data);
       Node priorNode = topNode;
       Node currentNode = topNode;
           priorNode = currentNode;
           currentNode = currentNode.nextNode;
          priorNode.nextNode = myNode;
          myNode.nextNode = currentNode;



Perhaps using a doubly linked list would be more beneficial. Consider the following alterations to your class:

import java.util.*;
public class OrderedLinkedList<E extends Comparable<E>>
   private Node head;
   private Node tail;

   private class Node
       private E data;
       private Node nextNode;
       private Node prevNode;

       public Node(E data)
           this.data = data;
           nextNode = null;
           prevNode = null;

       public void setNext(Node node)
           this.nextNode = node;

       public Node getNext()
           return this.nextNode;

       public void setPrev(Node node)
           this.prevNode = node;

       public Node getPrev()
           return this.prevNode;

       public E getData()
           return this.data;

       public int compareTo(Node that) {
           if(this.getData() < that.getData())
               return -1;
           else if(this.getData() == that.getData()
               return 0;
               return 1;

   public OrderedLinkedList()
       head = new Node(null);
       tail = new Node(null);


   public boolean empty()
       if(head.getNext() == tail)
           return true;
       return false; 

   public void add(E data) {
       Node tmp = new Node(data);

       if(this.empty()) {
           this.addNodeAfterNode(tmp, head);
       } else {
          Node that = head.getNext();

          // this while loop iterates over the list until finding the correct
          // spot to add the new node. The correct spot is considered to be
          // when tmp's data is >= that's data, or the next node after 'that'
          // is tail. In which case the node is added to the end of the list
          while((tmp.compareTo(that) == -1) && (that.getNext() != tail)) {
              that = that.getNext();

          this.addNodeAfterNode(tmp, that);

   private void addNodeAfterNode(Node addNode, Node afterNode)


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