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Dart Editor PUB Package Manager cannot find path.dart

After Installing Dart and Dart Editor I consistently get the following error on different DartLang.org code samples:

--- 5:00:06 PM Auto running pub get on C:\dart\sample-tracker-master ... ---  
Pub get failed, [1] Resolving dependencies...  
Could not find package path.dart at https://pub.dartlang.org.  
Depended on by:  
- tracker 0.0.0  

Why is PUB Manager unable to to find this package?

Pubspec.yaml contents follow:

name: polymer_and_dart
description: Sample app built with the polymer.dart package
  sdk: '>=1.2.0 <2.0.0'
  polymer: '>=0.15.1 <0.16.0'
  unittest: '>=0.10.0 <0.11.0'
- polymer:
    - web/begin/index.html
    - web/end/index.html

Your pubspec.yaml looks fine. IMO, The problem is breakage of cache directory.

Many people seems to meet this issue, See Link

If pub cache repair cannot fix this issue.

You can manually delete package cache directory. and run pub get again.

From Windows. Delete C:\\Users\\<your account>\\AppData\\Roaming\\Pub\\Cache manually. and run pub get .

Hope this work.

Can you please add the content of your pubspec.yaml file to your question. path.dart is not a valid package name, the name of the package is only path . When you want to use a library of the path package you import package:path/path.dart though but in pubspec.yaml you reference the package name which doesn't have a .dart extension.

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