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Unable to find pub package references in DART app

I have followed the directions on setting up web_components for DART . This code snippet from the page is giving me problems:

import 'package:web_components/component_build.dart';
import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  build(new Options().arguments, ['web/app.html']);

When I try to run, this is the error I am receiving:

dart --enable-checked-mode --package-root=C:\\Users\\John Jelinek\\dart\\ build.dart

Unable to open file: C:\\Users\\John Jelinek\\dart\\web_components/component_build.dart'file:///C:/Users/John Jelinek/Documents/dart/webComponents/build.dart': Error: line 1 pos 1: library handler failed import 'package:web_components/component_build.dart'; ^

I do not know why it is trying to find the reference in C:\\Users\\John Jelinek\\dart when the project lives in C:\\Users\\John Jelinek\\Documents\\dart . By the way, I am on Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. What is the best way to make sure my pub packages reference the appropriate location?

Note: I have found someone else having similar problems , but none of those answers worked for me.

Check out these directions and see if they fix your issue:


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