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how to terminate AsyncTask in Android?

I'm currently have an Android application with 3 activities.

Main activity:

Constantly polling a Xml file using AsyncTask and update UI using onPostExecute.

The AsyncTask is loop by:

Handler.postDelayed(runnableCode, Poll_internval);

Second Activity:

Does the same thing, pulling Xml using another AsyncTask and update UI using onPostExecute.

loop by :

Handler.postDelayed(runnableCode, Poll_internval);

How should i kill the AsyncTask as it is constantly looping?

Would like to kill it when ending this activity with finish();

There is no way to cancel the AsyncTask , even with cancel method.

You need to implement your logic for canceling the task manually, see this link :

How to completly kill/remove/delete/stop an AsyncTask in Android

You can use like:

Asyn mAsyn = new Asyn();


There is provision, you can remove async task in call back in handler, there is method


In Asynctask there is status, you have to develop logic and check status code.

AsyncTask statuc

In my project, i have same condition and i developed this kind of logic, it work in my code. please check it.

Have a look at the androidannotations framework, that has support for running async tasks and also cancelling them. You can checkout the details here:


Basically, all you need to do is annotate the method that needs to run in another thread with

void someCancellableBackground(String aParam, long anotherParam) {

where "id" is the id of the new thread. Then, to cancel it you just call


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