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Explanation needed on “client side” JSF

In the past 2 hours i was looking for a deep insight on how JSF works. I read many good explanations, but every story was only about the JSF lifecycle on the SERVER, however i'm curious about the client side. Better spoken, i'm curious how the client browser will create the appropriate http request when the user interacts with the app. Btw JSF noobie here, so as far as i understand the picture, JSF is a server side MVC framework, OK.

  • when the client enters a url in the browser, like somedomain.com/landingpage the server side framework accross some "building" steps produces html out of JSF pages. That's clear. So the end user will be served with a html page with optionally css and/or javascript.
  • then the user is able to make some interaction, say, to fill up a form and submit it. When he/she submits the form the browser is creating a POST request to the server with the data. The request here was made by the browser because of the implementation/specification of a html form. The server gets this requests, bakes something and responds with a view (atm i doesn't care about the server part)
  • Anther example: We have a button, and i want this button to generate some dynamic content on the page, say clicking on the button should create two new divs on the page. So in the browser, clicking on the button a click event has been created. I'm curious in what will trigger here the request to the server to serve back a new page/view with the new content? (I know AJAX could do the job, but i'm asking for the default behavior here).

I asked one of my friends, and he said, that on JSF side we provide an actionListener on that button, and in the actionListener we define a bean method to be triggered for execution upon the click event. That's clear again. But what will create the request on client side? Some hidden JavaScript code? Or what?

So generally, i don't understand JSF's client side request-triggering methods. And i'm curious about them.


I think the easiest way to find out is to prepare some easy example and check it out. Or even use some example from tutorial.

Yes, on client side there is generated JavaScript code by JSF. This JS will prepare new request. It is kind of wrapper over standard submit button. Even when you have markup in your JSF. There is tag generated however href attribute is there ignored since there is function in onclick event which prepare and sends new request. So on the client side there is a JavaScript code generated from JSF.

If you won't use any tag in any appropriate place in your JSF (example here: http://www.mkyong.com/jsf2/jsf-2-0-ajax-hello-world-example/ ) Whole document will be regenerated as you told so.

So generally, i don't understand JSF's client side request-triggering methods. And i'm curious about them.

All requests are made through the HTTP communication/protocol system and are auto-managed by the client/browser. For your info, HTTP itself is encapsulated into TCP . The code that is generated on the client side is purely a mix of HTML , CSS , and JavaScript , which is understandable by standard web browsers. There is no Java code at all on the client side, no matter what server side framework you use.

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