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Special dot masked input HTML-JavaScript

I'm trying to achieve a special masked input in HTML using jQuery and themask plugin from Igor Escobar ( http://igorescobar.github.io/jQuery-Mask-Plugin/ )

I need write only numbers[0-9] and the following conversions:






desidered output:





Is possible achive this with that plugin? Or exist another way to do it? Thanks for reading :)


I did it using another plugin (Numeral.js): http://numeraljs.com/

This is my working code:

    this.value=numeral(this.value).format('0,0[.]00').replace(/\,/g, '.');

But I do not like to be validated at the end, ie (onblur), is there any way to do this on the fly? - That is, gradually validate (keypress).

You probably don't need a library for that. I kept jQuery but it's really used to select the input, so you definitely can ditch it quite easily.

  // prevent every character except numbers
  if(!this.value.slice(-1).match(/^[0-9]+\.?[0-9]*$/) ){
    this.value = this.value.slice(0, -1);
  // remove the dots, split the string and reverse it
  var a = this.value.replace(/\./g, '').split('').reverse();

  // start from 3 and as long as there's a number 
  // add a dot every three digits.
  var pos = 3;
  while(a[pos] !== undefined){
    pos = pos + 4;
  // reverse, join and reassign the value
  this.value = a.reverse().join('');

You can try it yourself here and see if it does the job. Hope it helps.

EDIT : while the above code works it has some shortcomings, such as:

  • it does not work when copy/pasting
  • it does not allow moving with arrow keys
  • the cursor always goes to the end of the input, even when you are inserting a number in the middle.

As I needed it with full support for those cases I evolved it in a tiny script you can find on Github along with a demo and test spec.

$("#myinput").on('keyup keydown blur', function() {
    this.value=numeral(this.value).format('0,0[.]00').replace(/\,/g, '.');

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