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How can I write this SQL query in SQLAlchemy?

I wrote the following SQL query. How can I do the same thing in SQLAlchemy?

FROM activity_log T
WHERE T.end_time = (
    SELECT MAX( T1.end_time ) FROM activity_log T1
    WHERE T1.campaign_id = T.campaign_id and cast(T1.end_time as DATE) = cast(T.end_time as DATE)

Below should get you started:

T = aliased(ActivityLog, name="T")
T1 = aliased(ActivityLog, name="T1")
subquery = (
    .filter(T1.campaign_id == T.campaign_id)
    .filter(cast(T1.end_time, Date) == cast(T.end_time, Date))

qry = (
    session.query(T.campaign_id, T.spend, T.id)
    .filter(T.end_time == subquery)

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