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No operator “>>” for std::string>>std::string

I'm having a problem and I'm not sure how to fix it.

Here is a search function that I made from which I'm receiving the error;

void guestSearch()

    Hotelreservation reg;

    cout<<"Enter Line Number for the Guest you are searching for:";
    string line2= to_string(line);

    ifstream filemain(line2);
        int firstNameLength=firstName.size();
        int lastNameLength=lastName.size();
        int lengthTotal=firstName+lastName;

        string result;
        cout<< "Is this the correct Guest (y/n)"<<endl;
        cout<<"Name"<<firstName<<" "<<lastName<<end;

            for(int y = 1; y<lengthTotal; y++)
                cout<< " ";
            cout<<"Reservation Date";
            for(int z=1; z<2; z++)
                cout<< " ";
            cout<<"Duration of Stay";
            for(int x=1; x<2; x++)
                cout<< " ";
            for(int u=1; u<2; u++)
                cout<< " ";
            cout<<"Contact Number";
            for(int v=1; v<2; v++)
                cout<< " ";
        cout<<"Date Reservation was made:"<<day<<"/"<<month<<"/"<<year<<endl;
        cout<<"Duration Of Stay:"<<duration<<endl;
        cout<<"Contact Number:"<<areaCode<<"-"<<exchange<<"-"<<line<<endl;

I'm receiving an error at the while declaration after firstName ">>" , I get this:

IntelliSense: no operator ">>" matches these operands operand types are: std::string>>std::string"

You misunderstand the concept, though it is possible to chain multiple std::string instances trhough operator >> , first object should be of type inherited from std::istream such as ifstream fileman in your case:

while( fileman >> firstName >> lastName >> ... )

it works because you can treat that expression as:

while( fileman.operator>>( firstName ).operator>>( lastName ) ... )

and because std::istream::operator>> returns reference to std::istream again that chain invocation works.

There is no such operator in std::string

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