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Instantiate and Call WCF service Asynchronously

I have a helper method I am using to instantiate a WCF service and perform an action. This is working great for synchronous calls and has really cut down on the code in my main class. However, I am trying to implement this same method on an asynchronous call to the service and am having trouble with the syntax.

This is the helper method I am using:

    public static void Use(Action<T> action)
        ChannelFactory<T> Factory = new ChannelFactory<T>("*");
        ClientCredentials Credentials = new ClientCredentials();
        Credentials.UserName.UserName = USER_NAME;
        Credentials.UserName.Password = PASSWORD;
        T Client = Factory.CreateChannel();
        bool Success = false;

            Success = true;
        catch (CommunicationException cex)
            Log.Error(cex.Message, cex);
        catch (TimeoutException tex)
            Log.Error(tex.Message, tex);
            if (!Success)

This is the synchronous call I am making to the helper method from a timer elapsed event:

    async void Timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
        Service<IVehicleService>.Use(client =>
            Vehicles = client.GetAllVehicles(new GetAllVehiclesRequest()).vehicleList;
        await UpdateVehicleStatuses();

This is where the GetVehicleStatus method is called:

    private async Task UpdateVehicleStatuses()
        // Can the call to GetVehicleStatus be turned into a lambda expression utilizing the helper method?
        IEnumerable<Task<VehicleStatus>> StatusQuery = from s in Vehicles 
                                                       select GetVehicleStatus(s.ClientVehicleId);
        List<Task<VehicleStatus>> StatusTasks = StatusQuery.ToList();

This is the current body of the GetVehicleStatus method:

    private async Task<VehicleStatus> GetVehicleStatus(string clientVehicleID)
        // Can this method be modified to use the helper method?
        GetStatusResponse Status = await VehicleClient.GetStatusByClientIdAsync(clientVehicleID);

        return Status.vehicleStatus;

I would like to apply the same principal from the synchronous call to the asynchronous call so that I don't have to initialize the service in the main class and can encapsulate all of the error handling there. I am having trouble with the syntax when attempting to turn the GetVehicleStatus method into a lambda expression in the UpdateVehicleStatuses method. I have also tried to modify the GetVehicleStatus method to utilize the helper method with no luck. What am I missing?


You'll need an asynchronous version of your helper method:

public static async Task UseAsync(Func<T, Task> action)
        await action(Client);

Furthermore, if you need to support return values, then you'll need another overload:

public static async Task<TResult> UseAsync(Func<TClient, Task<TResult>> action)
    TResult result;
        result = await action(Client);
    return result;

Then you can use it as such:

private async Task<VehicleStatus> GetVehicleStatusAsync(string clientVehicleID)
    GetStatusResponse Status = await UseAsync(client => client.GetStatusByClientIdAsync(clientVehicleID));

    return Status.vehicleStatus;

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