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tomcat can't load my webapp in ubuntu

I start javaEE with tomcat and linux ubuntu.

i installed tomcat on linux successfully and see its first page in

that was : "it works..."

By the first example in my book, i create a directory called jspbook in webapps and a sub directory WEB-INF in jspbook that contains this web.xml :

<web-app xmlns="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/j2ee" version="2.4">

And another xml file called jspbook.xml in webapps directory:

<Context path="/jspbook" docBase="jspbook" debug="0"/>

Now after restarting tomcat, it doesn't display a blank directory in browser by in linux

But i try it in windows and it displayed a blank directory correctly!

Which browser, what exactly did you really try? The URL is invalid, it should be instead. And, of course, if the Windows machine is not the same as the Linux machine, then (aka. localhost ) will not take you from your Windows to your Linux.

I must tell you, 1st create a simple html file and check your browser can acces that directory or not
In jspbook create a html file called test.html

<head><title> Its Test<title></head>
<body> Its Working Fine</body>

Now open:
If that works then there is some problem in your java code, if it dosen't work check you have given read permission for groups and other or not

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