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SWT , TreeViewer , CellEditor with ComboBox

While using EditingSupport for a treeColumn in a TreeViewer, Is there any way i can just reflect the Changes in the View instead of changing the model and then using getViewer().update(element,null);

Detail: I want to achieve the following functionality: Show a tree View with |Object| (ComboBox)property| Upon selection and clicking on the button i want to show user the summary of changes and then upon clicking confirm i want to apply those changes to the model (Object)

I am using a TreeViewer, Within that i have a column with EditingSupport Enabled. Whenever I select a value from the ComboBox and click somewhere else (lostFocus kind of ) the Value sets to default. I have figured out that after SetValue() is called the TreeLabelProvider is again called(using debug points) Is there any way i can just reflect the Changes in the View instead of changing the model and using getViewer().update(element,null);

Some FYIs : Package Object contains multiple versions

ContentProvider does the job to fetch the object

LabelProvider gets all the Versions from the package(String[]) and shows the first one.

//Code to Create the UI // blah

TreeViewerColumn column2 = new TreeViewerColumn(treeViewer, SWT.LEFT);
        treeViewer.setLabelProvider(new PackageUpdateTreeLabelProvider());
        EditingSupport exampleEditingSupport = new OperationEditingSupport(

OperationEditingSupport Class

private class OperationEditingSupport extends EditingSupport {
        private ComboBoxCellEditor cellEditor = null;

        private OperationEditingSupport(ColumnViewer viewer) {

            cellEditor = new ComboBoxCellEditor(
                    ((TreeViewer) viewer).getTree(), new String[] {},


        protected CellEditor getCellEditor(Object element) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            if (element instanceof IPackageInfo) {
                IPackageInfo pkg = (IPackageInfo) element;
                        (IdmPackage) pkg, false, true));
                return cellEditor;
            return null;

        protected boolean canEdit(Object element) {

            return true;

        protected Object getValue(Object element) {
            // TODO Auto-generated method stub

            return 0;

        protected void setValue(Object element, Object value) {

            /* only set new value if it differs from old one */



When i click on the cell of column2 i get the combo box but when i select something and move the focus somewhere else.It again shows the default Value

on debuging i found that : it agains calls the label Provider which fetches all the Version of the package and then shows the first one hence I can not see any change.

what i want is that it should keep the selection intact without changing the underlying object.

thanks for the help.

Figured it out. following code added to the SetValue() method solves it.

m_tree = (Tree)getViewer.getControl();
TreeItem[] ti = m_tree.getSelection();
            CCombo c = ((CCombo)cellEditor.getControl());
            String str = c.getItem(c.getSelectionIndex());
            ti[0].setText(1, str );

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